Keep your student on the fast track! Reach out today to explore whether we can help your son or daughter achieve your IB Prep goals.
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So, your son or daughter is preparing for the future with an International Baccalaureate (IB) program. Congrats to your family on being part of such a respected program! Whether your teen is focused on earning an IB diploma, thriving in IB courses or excelling on IB exams, turn to Sylvan for IB Prep, and get ahead with this challenging curriculum.
We’ll set up a custom IB Prep (or IB Test Prep) program to fit your teen’s skillset and individual needs. Our teachers are experts at motivating and inspiring advanced students.
We tailor our one-on-one IB Prep sessions to the way your teen learns. This means we teach to your teen’s individual needs, so concepts really click.
Our advanced tutoring support can make a significant impact in IB courses — from higher scores, to learning how to be successful in class.
Keep your student on the fast track! Reach out today to explore whether we can help your son or daughter achieve your IB Prep goals.
IB programs are not only academically challenging and time-consuming, but they also require your son or daughter to show initiative and think in different ways. This is exciting … but also can be overwhelming!
Think of Sylvan as your support system. We’ll craft an IB Prep program to fit your teen’s exact needs and goals, so he or she can rise to the challenges ahead. Your teen may work one-on-one with one of our expert IB tutors to: